Ok, it has been a week since I have made an update to my “Why a Heart” blog, which has come to fit quite well! Seeing how each day brought a new challenge and a story I just did not have the time or energy to blog. Now that I am sitting in the ER, not for me this time, I have decided to use my time wisely.
I will take it from the top and say this week started out with a “2nd opinion appointment”, you know those “let’s make sure we hold you up and see if your doctor missed anything” appointments insurance makes you have? Well, mine was with a cardiologist on Tuesday, I was not so hopeful you can say. I was more in the mind frame of praying that this doctor would not try and play super hero, “here I come to save the day”, running 300 more test or repeat those I have done, just to see if he can solve this mystery puzzle.
Surprise, I really like this doctor and guess what…he did find something they over looked! OK, OK, now burst your bubble of hope, I will save you the agony I have dealt with of thinking there was a light at the end of the tunnel and a trip to the Mayo Clinic being canceled.
He told me he thinks that it is the electrical system of the heart. More specifically, the AV node not working correctly because of “the device” (PFO Closure) they have placed in me. If this was to be the cause of he said that the "easy fix would be open heart surgery to remove the PFO device. He wanted me to have two test ran, a cardiac MRI, then if needed an EP study. I was in his office from 130 till about 430 that day, he was that detailed and attentive to what was happening, and he took time to educate me on everything so I would understand what he thought was happening in side of me. Needless to say just 10 minutes after leaving his office, I got a call from him stating that he would like to do an EEG first, which was the next day on Wednesday. I love Sister Mary Clifford for being there and taking me! She is truly a ward mom!
As for the test, I HATE it! Not only was I awake for it the following morning when he did this, but the great fun of vomiting several times during the procedure. That made for a great voice for a couple of days. No worries all that stress with a tube down my throat made my chest just feel “wonderful” for the next few days.
Since he did not see all he needed to, he ordered the Cardiac MRI, no worries right, I have had MRI’s before with contrast! HA, that is what I thought as well till Friday morning. I found my self in the “tunnel” just starting to relax, when BAMB! They trigger the machine to flush saline solution in me, no big deal right? WRONG! A few drops of the contrast were in there and my entire head, face, and throat went HOT! I thought I was on fire! All of a sudden I started sneezing, the tech kept asking if I was alright, all I could say was yes, till it dawned on me I could be having an allergic reaction. But what could it have been, I asked the tech if they had injected something and she answer “yes just saline solution thought”! I all of a sudden realized my tongue, lips, throat, and face was swelling. So I thought I should tell them I needed out of the “tunnel” and something was happening. All I could hear is “a couple of drops must have got in and she is having an allergic reaction to it”. Not so comforting since I was strapped down and could not move at all! No worries the nurses were great, they got me an inhaler. She re-started the test from the beginning and half way through that it got worse, so they shot me full of Benadryl. WOW, that stuff is strong through the IV. I was knocked out cold for about 2 hours while they observed me. Here is the fun part; I have become fatally allergic to the contrast. Seeing that is what happens with a few drops compared to the 36 cc’s they would have pumped into me just a few minutes later had I not had a reaction to the contrast, it was a good thing. Needless to say I will not be having that done to me unless, I am pretreated!
Now, backing up as you know I was suppose to be leaving for the Mayo Clinic on Sunday, yet still needing the approval. The doctors got everything read and a new plan devised but 200 PM! This was so they could say yes for the insurance to send me to the Mayo or not. Well, it was a big fat no once again, after I was told yesterday I would know today after the MRI. Come to find out not only did the EEG and MRI come back saying that the PFO device was “well seated” and completely covered with growth, but that it “more than likely” was not causing the electrical system to still be messing up. Instead that it was probably “just” damaged from the medal. So no open heart surgery and on to plan "B". As you can see this is where my hope of them finding anything went down hill.
I was then faced with, do I just go to the Mayo Clinic on Monday and say no to the EP study for Monday or do I stay here and have it. I needless to say decided that what the heck I better stay here and have it because it would suck to go to AZ Mayo Clinic just to find out that it was able to be treated here. I am now scheduled to have the EP study on Monday, they will more than likely keep me over night since I seem not to do so well when they go in the artery in my leg! You should look up the test, it is quit interesting.
So, here I sit with little hope of them solving this and just another week wasted. I also get to have the weight of “if it is the electrical system” you can have the pacemaker put in at the same time, or wait till Thursday and have it put in. Needless to say, it looks like I will have the EP Study done Monday, recover from that and work for a day, then have the pacemaker put in if needed on Thursday. This allowing Mama Claire, to make it here and me having the feeling of complete safety with them doing this. No worries I am not completely ready for Monday knowing what happened last time and being with out Claire or Connie this time. Jessica (my roommate) is going to be there on Monday and part of Tuesday between working. This will help so I am not alone.
Needless to say, I get to “relax” this weekend and hope for the best, expect the worst, and prep for the test. Then if it is not the “fix” to it all, fight with insurance to have them get everything approved for me to leave next weekend. Oh, the joys! I am staying as positive as possible trying to always see the good things, like the fact this could be over next week!
I have been blessed with great doctors and the Lord watching over me. I know it may not seem like I am positive with all this happening, but I am!
Now if you made it to this point you now have the update! Congratulations you made it to the end of the novel now go take a nap!