Hey Everyone,
I know some of you do not like spam letters, but deal with this one! I can not seem to get to everyone personally to let them know how things are going for me so this is what I will need to resort to today.
Over all I am doing WONDERFUL!! I am very happy and love my life; I have the greatest job, wonderful caring co-workers. I am enjoying the ward that I am in and the friends that I have made there. I could not ask for better friends in my life…I love each of you more then I will ever know how to express. My family has been great and is doing well over all. I really can not complain. I have learned a lot about life the last month and feel so grateful for the life I have been so blessed with.
I thought that today will be a good day to write you all and let you know a major thing that happened to me on March 15, 2008; while asking for all of you to keep me in your prayers tomorrow through out the day. Please pray that the doctors' hands are guided by the Lord and that my surgery will go well. I know that things will be just fine in the end but I will have a month of recovery to deal with as well.
So are some of you wondering what I am talking about….
On March 15th, I woke up and went to work out with the trainer; little did I know my "I don't feel so well, I think I am tired" was really me having a TIA Stroke. It is a stroke that does not cause brain damage or physical paralization. I found all this out on March 18th, along with the fact that I have a "whole" in the heart….tubular connection. I also had my cholesterol shoot up and my platelet count is high.
They have done about 20 different tests…not joking…more then I knew this medical world could do and know from them. I am doing great now…well my attitude is very positive and I am ready to get on with this. I am NERVOUS that some one is going into my heart…pocking and prodding. Guess this is the only time in life I will literately let someone in my heart. LOL
This is out patient and I will check in at 130 MST tomorrow, leaving around 1000 pm MST. That is as long as all goes well, if not I will stay over night. All you who may want to know how I am can call my phone, Claire will answer and let you know. If you do not get an answer…well try again later. She just maybe busy laughing at what ever I say as I am on sedation medication.
Anyway, I hope you are all doing well. I will look forward to getting back to life and hearing how you are all doing! Please keep me in your prayers along with my family and doctors.
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